Gourmet Gifts Host Responsibility Policy
Gourmet Gifts advises the district licensing committee that the following steps will be taken to minimise the harm from alcohol and promote a safe environment.
• We will ensure that all staff are conversant with the requirements of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act), which prohibits any sale of alcohol to minors (under 18’s). This will include instructing them that:
• We will ensure a two step authentication of age to ensure buyers are consenting to their age & recipients age before any purchase.
• Staff will be trained to check identification and monitor customers orders for suspicious under age orders containing alcohol e.g. excessive alcohol purchase or suspicious customer information.
• Signage will be displayed at points of service stating that minors will not be served in store.
• Website will clearly display information at points of sale that minors will not be served
• Alcohol will not be sold or supplied or delivered to any intoxicated person.
• Signage will be displayed at points of service stating that intoxicated persons will not be served online
• Information will be clearly displayed on our website and in store about responsible drinking.
• We will have clear signage that no alcohol is able to be consumed on our premise.
• All copy of our website will be monitored to reflect responsible drinking and safe consumption of alcohol.
• Alcohol will not be the sole purpose of purchase. Alcohol will not be able to be purchased as an individual product, but only within a gift box.
• Delivery will not be made between 11pm-6am, on Good Friday or Christmas Day by us or our delivery drivers.
• Outer boxes will contain an age restriction sticker as to ensure the boxes is not opened by someone under the age of 18.
• All deliveries containing alcohol will require signature. No delivery will be made without
• ID will be required upon delivery for anyone who appears under 25. This will be verified with Kiwi plus card, NZ Drivers licence or NZ or International Passport only.
• We will check ID of any same day delivery or pick up for customers, when we come face to face with customer to verify age and ensure no minors are being served.
• Outer boxes will contain an age restriction sticker as to ensure the boxes is not opened by someone under the age of 18.
• All deliveries containing alcohol will require signature. No delivery will be made without
• ID will be required upon delivery for anyone who appears under 25. This will be verified with Kiwi plus card, NZ Drivers licence or NZ or International Passport only.
• We will check ID of any same day delivery or pick up for customers, when we come face to face with customer to verify age and ensure no minors are being served.
Members of the police, compliance officers from the Medical Officer of Health, and licensing inspectors visiting the premises will be given every assistance to conduct their business.
No promotions that encourage the rapid consumption of alcohol or an excessive volume of alcohol will be initiated or carried out by any staff member.
Promotions of 25% discount or more will never be promoted outside of our website or outside our premise.
We will not promote any irresponsible drinking, intoxication or excessive consumption.